We are H.E.R.E for you!
We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your individual needs. We take pride in providing every service with a smile, and to the highest level of satisfaction.
At The H.E.R.E Center, our mission is to provide accessible and comprehensive mental health services to empower individuals and families affected by trauma to rebuild their lives and create a brighter future. We are dedicated to fostering healing, resilience, and hope within our community.
Our Services
We are actively making change in the community.
Therapy (Family, Individual, and Couples)
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP)
Supported Employment Services
Psychiatric Medication Management
Food and Clothing Distribution
Supportive Group Counseling
Clinical Training with (CEU's & PDA's Available)
Supportive Group Counseling
Provides short-term counseling for accepted applicants. Each session will be guided by a unique self-awareness module and followed by the following techniques: Active listening, empathy, and guidance in the areas of work, home, finances, and health.
Anger ManagementWe provide anger management supportive group sessions in conjunction with ongoing mentorship to assist individuals and families with developing healthier coping strategies to assist with day to day stressors.
Conflict ResolutionWe assist program participates with managing difficult internal and external situations.
Life SkillsDevelop win-win strategies for peer confrontations, family scenarios, or social problems. Participates can also receive tips on social etiquette, career development, driving safety, technology training and developing positive personal relationships. We will also conduct a series of health lifestyle workshops which will explore subjects such as teenage pregnancy, HIV-AIDS awareness, healthy diets, exercise programs, driving safety and personal hygiene.
LGBTQ+ SupportWe provide individual supportive counseling and group counseling services to clients of the LGBTQ community. Mentors are provided upon request.
Relationship AcademyWe assist families with navigating the sometimes difficult world of dating and marriage. We also help families recover from relationship breakups caused by divorce and domestic violence.